Submergence Village Chikhalda, Madhya Pradesh (M.P.)
3–4 minutes
Rehmat, a resident of the submergence village Chikhalda in M.P., and an oustee himself has been a key activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA). Rehmat’s contribution to the NBA knows no parallel: managing one of the main offices of the NBA in Badwani, exposing the widespread corruption in rehabilitation of oustees in M.P. (an exposure that once again stalled the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) in the decade of 2000s), managing “Nijbal”, Baba Amte and Sadhana Tai’s residence on the banks of the Narmada after their return to Anandvan, and last but least – extensive research, analysis and writing about the key issues related to the project. Rehmat’s involvement in the struggle has been multifaceted and extraordinary. Rehmat continues to play a critical role in the NBA and is also a senior member of the Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, an organisation that critically examines water and energy issues.
Since Rehmat is a key activist of the NBA and a project affected person himself, his interview is important in helping us understand the many strategies of the movement. As an activist of long standing, Rehmat explains the many processes that go into the making of a movement. The interview also covers the arrival of Baba Amte and Sadhana Tai in the Narmada Valley and their departure from it and discusses the implications of both events. It also covers the strengths and challenges the movement faces, and reflects on the many strategies of the NBA.
Although it is important to listen to the entire interview since the issues Rehmat speaks about are all interlinked, for those interested in any specific strategy or issue, here is a list of the relevant sections and their time stamps which will take you directly to that topic.
0:00:00 to 0:12:00 | About Rehmat and his village Chikhalda |
0:12:00 to 0:18:40 | Cadre building in a people’s movement |
0:18:40 to 0:26:00 | National Alliance of People’s Movement (NAPM) and expansion of NBA to areas affected by other dams in M.P. |
0:26:00 to 0:53:00 | Decision making process in the movement |
0:53:00 to 1:03:00 | ‘Our Rule in Our Village’ as a strategy |
1:03:00 to 1:15:00 | ‘We Shall Drown But Not Move’ as a strategy |
1:15:00 to 1:28:00 | Public Interest Litigation and the Supreme Court |
1:28:00 to 1:43:00 | Satyagraha, jalsamarpan and non-violence as strategies |
1:43:00 to 1:50:00 | Personification of a people’s movement |
1:50:00 to 2:06:00 | Coming of Baba Amte to the NBA |
2:06:00 to 2:22:00 | Return of Baba Amte to Anandvan |
2:22:00 to 2:43:00 | Functioning of Baba Amte’s Ashram after his return to Anandvan |

Interview Duration: 2:43:00
Language: Hindi and Nimadi, Subtitles in English
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